I would like to introduce you to this girl and give you the opportunity to evaluate its similarity with all known Angelina Jolie, and perhaps see the difference (which is also undoubtedly is). In any case, get acquainted. This is Tiffany Claus - a girl who is very similar to Angelina Jolie.

She was German by birth, residing in the United States. By profession - designer and graduate art. She graduated from the University of Maryland. He is fond of painting (oil paints), and opera singing.
Counterpart of the famous Hollywood star is not going to, it does not come on its own motion. However, it has achieved in this respect is much greater heights than the other counterparts of stars, which are often for the sake of their similarity to lie under the surgeon's knife.
Once the world has gradually learn of the existence of this girl, her photo in the press began to give out for pictures of Angelina and the paparazzi started to pursue it. On all sides poured proposals to participate in some projects, etc. It's no secret that at first it all terribly annoyed Tiffany, but later, when it went about the fee, Tiffany thoughtful ... And, of course agreed, as such a reward for mere participation in the programs and photo shoots very few people are not satisfied.
Everything else, I think it's flattering to be like one of the most beautiful and sexiest women on our planet. But! At the same time be itself and it is absolutely not similar. After all, as Tiffany says, everything that unites her with Angelina Jolie - it's appearance. Here's a quote for example:

I've never dabbled in drugs, not treated in rehabilitation clinics, not abusing alcohol, not doing tattoos and did not feel the need to change sexual orientation.

She has appeared in many well-known worldwide magazines such as Us Weekly, Maxim, Marie, StuffClaire, Time, People ...

Some ask her a question, if she is not afraid that men will begin to get acquainted with it only because of the similarity with the beauty Angelina Jolie? What Tiffany says:

With her husband, I met, while still a student. And when we got married, nobody else really did not know who this Angelina Jolie. So I can say that my husband loves me not for my resemblance to Angelina. We are happily married and raise our two children.

Tiffany near Wax Pitt and Angelina
Well, maybe this is another little resemblance to Angelina Jolie, Tiffany, too, because my mother, though all the children in her own.
Try to determine at what fotke real Angelina Jolie?

