Armless drummer
Ruslan Nurislamov of Chrysostom - Russia's only one-armed drummer....

 - Drunk electricians forgot to close the door, and we began to wonder - he said. - It is normal for all kids curious. I went first, reached into the hole with some wires, and - all. The darkness. I wore rubber boots, and it saved me. So the doctors say. If it were not for my boots and legs would not now be. So thanks to the doctors, and most importantly thank God. Without his help I would not have survived. It must lie in the legs, not to say thank you. I owe him so much that I paid ever.
 I underwent a lot, but I realized that one should not lose faith, you can not stop. Why should I use drugs? Why do I need to fall to the bottom of the "blue hole"? I can not afford to drink wine on a holiday, because I am responsible for myself. Responsible for their actions. I did not fall to the bottom - and I so well. I have many friends who hanged themselves. This is a weakness! We must talk more with him, to convince ourselves that all is well.

