7 courses have become a national treasure, or just an unusual delicacy for tourists yastvom.Ryba - a frequent guest at the table with different people. But sometimes it is prepared is very unusual ways. Below are some of the most amazing dishes of fish.

Syurstremming (Sweden)
The history of this dish begins with the XVI century, when the Swedish king Gustav Vasa fought a war with the German city of Luebeck. The war resulted in the Swedish settlements began to experience a lack of salt. For normal salting herring this salt was not enough, and the fish began to wander. In the famine the Swedes had to have a "soured" herring, which, surprisingly, much relished. After the war, this method of conservation of fish has become very popular in northern Sweden, where the salt, even in peacetime, was a way for the most part naseleniya.Sovremenny syurstremming prepared in a similar way: pre-salted herring, cleaned, placed in an open dish and allowed to ferment. As a result, fish and bacteria produce butyric, propionic and acetic acids and hydrogen sulfide. Later, the fish is placed in the cans for further brozheniya.Syurstremming, despite a sharp odor, is now considered a delicacy. In the third Thursday of August the festival syurstremminga.Blyudo eaten either alone or together with potatoes, tomatoes, raw onions, as well as in the sandwiches.

Lyutefisk (Norway)

Another invention of Scandinavians - dried and soaked in lye cod. Dried fish for three days, kept in a solution of caustic soda, then soak in water. In the course of chemical reactions becomes jelly-like consistency of the cod. Before use lyutefisk must undergo heat treatment.

The dish contains a small amount lizinoazalin - a toxic amino acid that affects the kidneys. Despite this, lyutefisk dish remains popular in Norway, Sweden and Finland and is a traditional Christmas treat. Served with a dish of mashed peas, potatoes and bacon.

The first mention in the history of lyutefiska refers to 1555. The legend relates the origin of the dish with stock fish, burned by a lightning strike. Fish mixed with ashes, and after some time the Vikings have decided to try it, pre-soak in water.

Fugu (Japan)One of the most famous fish dishes. To make it use a poisonous fish species of the family Tetraodontidae. Most often, for this purpose entity is brown Skalozub containing a lethal dose tetrodoksina - poison neyroparaliticheskogo action. The main objective of the cook - the cooking process to reduce the content of the toxin to an acceptable and safe for humans. For preparation of fugu chefs are allowed only, past compulsory education and received a license. Earlier in the case of fugu poisoning cook, prepare meals, he was obliged to eat it or commit ritual suicide.
Who learned how to grow fish to a fugue, which does not contain poison. The fact that the body is not made tetrodoksin animal, and is formed as a result of metabolism. Thus, changing the mode of feeding the fish, you can avoid the accumulation of the toxin.
Fugu lovers use "sharp" feeling, residual dose of venom cause slight euphoric effect. Despite the highly skilled chefs admitted to cooking the fugue, in our time and place of poisoning deaths.

Suguday (North Russia)

Suguday prepared from fish species living in the northern waters. Most often used for the preparation of whitefish, broad whitefish and whitefish, but sometimes they are used instead of salmon, salmon or outrigger. The dish is raw fish with vegetable oil, onion, salt, black pepper and vinegar, and other spices and grated apple.

Suguday is a good snack and can be applied to the table within 15 minutes after catching the fish.

Bacallao (Portugal)

Bacallao - dried salted cod, and very. Initially, the fish was delivered to Portugal from the shores of Norway and Iceland, which was called "klippfisk." Somewhat later, the cod catch were Portuguese and Basque fishermen, going to the island of Newfoundland. The journey takes about three months.

Previously, Bacallao was considered food for the poor, but after World War II, its value has increased and now it is a delicacy. The dish appears on the table, the Portuguese in the mostly at Christmas and during Holy Week. Before selling the fish being cut. For the preparation of most dishes soak the fish repeatedly, with the exception of a few foods (eg, a traditional salad of dried cod).

Bacallao popular in Portugal and its former colonies - Angola, Macau, Brazil, as well as in Galicia - the community in northern Spain.

Hakarl (Iceland)

Along the coast of Iceland, Greenland polar caught a shark. The peculiarity of this fish is that it has no kidneys and mochevyvydaschih tract, causing all of the secretory processes occur through the skin. The skin becomes toxic due to high concentrations of urea and ammonia. Icelanders separate shark meat from the bones and placed in containers with gravel or buried in the ground for 6-8 weeks. Then the pieces of rotten fish become weather-beaten and dried. For four months the meat is covered with a crust.

Crust cut off, so that left only the meat of yellowish color. This method of treatment neutralizes the toxic effects of ammonia on the human body.

The dish is known from the Viking era. Every year a festival in Iceland "Terrablot", which made hakarlem treat each other.

Ravioli with fish-Torch (USA)

Strictly speaking, this invention can not be called an American. Prepare the dumplings are in the restaurant «Golden Gates» one of the "Russian" regions of the Bronx. The composition of pelmeshek includes pork, elk, veal, and fish-torch - one of the rarest and most expensive types of fish. Thanks to the fish dumplings emit an unusual blue-green color. For the portion of 8 dumplings will have to pay $ 2400, and ordering two portions can receive a discount of $ 400.

